out of the whole series this has gotta be my favorite! that was also funny :P
btw its on my favorites 5/5
out of the whole series this has gotta be my favorite! that was also funny :P
btw its on my favorites 5/5
w00t :)
i've seen this series a million times and it never gets old, also the was funny made me lol :P
great :)
i'm not much of a final fantasy fan but this really made FF look good :) the outakes was funny i coldn't stop LOLing rofl btw make more stuff like this! fighter should've been in it, fighter pwns! good work keep it up :D
great movie :)
great graphics and sound and i really liked this movi! its good enough to get fived and tened :D
fighter should've been in that, fighter pwnz! anyway red mage sucks! black mage 4evah w00t! fiven!
i wondered why this was on the top 50 but now that i've actully seen it i know why, i vot3 teh fiven :) that wuz a fucking epic! make more stuff like this :)
kicked ass
i love these series, mostly because they're a little funny, lol but nice job 5/5
that was funny fiven and fav's :D
great movie...:)
if you'd want a better score then try drawing ur own art instead of sprites, i do prefer sprite movies but i don't know why but everyone's against them anyway great movie and the hidden movie was good 5/5
Thanks a lot ^_^
fantastic movie but the loading took a while but anyways i liked it so it can get a 5 :)
Age 33, Male
Joined on 1/4/07